Afrofeminisms. Bridging the Gap
Emilia Roig
Fania Noel
Pumla Dineo Gqola
Tiffany N. Florvil
Tessa Hart
Each One Teach One (EOTO) e. V.
Togostraße 76, 13351 Berlin
English, with simultaneous translation into German
Attendance is possible without advance registration, admission is free.
The 2022 edition of the Afrolution Festival titled Planetary [Vulner]Abilities: African-Diasporic Worldmaking—featuring Black, African, and Afrodiasporic scholars, artists, and activists engaging in literary and discursive exchange—is taking place from June 23 to 26 in Berlin. It is organized by Each One Teach One (EOTO) e. V., a Berlin-based platform for empowerment and education by and for people of African descent.
The groundbreaking work of Black US lawyer and feminist Kimberlé Crenshaw laid the groundwork for two fields of study that have become known through the terms she coined—intersectionality and critical race theory. In recent years, intersectionality has become a widely used concept in feminist, gender studies, and the social sciences within the Western academy, though the term has also been appropriated/White-washed. An intersectional perspective is a theoretical/methodological framework and an epistemic sensitization to the entangled nature of social stratification. The concept enables the interlinking of diverse modes of oppression such as racism, class prejudice, education, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, and so on. As a result, intersectionality is a conceptual tool for critiquing power imbalances and opening up sites of intervention. Thus, the question anchoring the festival’s theme is: How can intersectionality be made productive in the transnational space between Africa and the diasporas?
In a collaborative event within the framework of both the Afrolution Festival and the 12th Berlin Biennale, this panel brings together Afrofeminist thinkers and historians to discuss contemporary struggles and strategies around Black feminism.
Organized by the: Afrolution Festival
This conference is part of the discursive program of the 12th Berlin Biennale. Taking the restitution debate as a starting point, it explores how colonialism and imperialism continue to operate in the present.