The performance Building Refuges and Sanctuaries. A Decolonial Feminist Antiracist Practice was held on August 8, 2022 within the framework of the 12th Berlin Biennale and the event O-PLATZ LIVES! at Oranienplatz in Kreuzberg, Berlin. Drawing on the theories of political antiracism, abolitionism, and decolonial feminism, participants imagined and created, collectively, a public performance that addressed the necessity and urgency of multiplying refuges and sanctuaries.
Curated by: Françoise Vergès
Music by: Gazino Neukölln
With: Bouchra Tafrata, Boulomsouk Svedphaiphane, Christelle Ahia Marie-Laure Kamanan, Christopher Wierling, Iván Argote, Jeanne-Ange Wagne, Olivier Marboeuf, Pascale Obolo, Sulti, Trixiewiz Kollektiv, and Vanessa E. Thompson